When can the officers pull me over? Do I have to identify myself? When are officers allowed to search my car without my consent? Do I have to consent to letting officers search my car? Can the officers stop me for a minor violation and then investigate me for something else? Can the officers make […]
When are officers permitted to stop me on the street? What if the officers just walk up to me and ask questions (a “social contact”)? When are officers permitted to “frisk” someone who is stopped for weapons? What are officers allowed to do during a street stop? When can the officers arrest me during a […]
One of the things that we teach in our mentorship program is how to interact with law enforcement. Hopefully, the below are things that you are also aware about. Why would the police come to my house? When can police legally enter my home? Do I have to consent to letting the officers search my […]
Most of the time the police can be trusted to protect and serve. Nonetheless, police officers are human and fallible. This means they may be guilty of errors in judgment or misconduct. This behavior should always be addressed with a complaint against a police officer. When Should a Complaint Be Filed? It’s possible for a citizen […]
The below was written by a former assistant U.S. attorney Paul Butler. Mr Butler explains how prosecutors’ decisions are fueling mass incarceration — and what can be done about it. I became a prosecutor because I don’t like bullies. I stopped being a prosecutor because I don’t like bullies. I grew up on the south […]
Are you currently living in Washington State? If so, then more than likely you have broken the law. Below are some surprising laws that are in effect in said state:
James White was back in court again, except this time he wasn’t there to take a plea. He was there for a more important reason. “Please say I do, Chief Probate Judge Kenya Johnson said. “I do,” White responded. White took the oath of office to be a prosecutor in the Fulton County Solicitor General’s Office. […]
What one should learn from this article? One should learn that a call from jail is NOT private and confidential even if to one’s attorney. Not only can police overhear what one is saying, but police can record the entire call and use it for any admissions made or plans to escape or smuggle in […]
A Kentucky lawyer hopes to call attention to the plight of his client and others waiting for long-delayed competency exams by living in jail with his client. Lawyer Matt Pippin of Shelby County, Kentucky, has filed a motion seeking to be housed in the same cell as his client until the Kentucky Correctional Psychiatric Center […]